What are the common faults of vibration engraving machines
Source:本站Time:2024/7/4 9:15:58

Common faults of vibration engraving machines include:

1. Unable to start or operate normally. There are many possible reasons, such as damaged power cords, burnt out motors and other internal component issues, as well as situations where the ink supply is short of paper and stuck. At this point, it is necessary to press the emergency stop button behind the machine to stop the equipment and investigate the cause. Afterwards, you can try manually opening the right cover to clean the toilet paper or other movable objects inside, ensuring that there are no problems with the internal brushes to solve the problem; If there are other issues, further testing is needed to identify the specific cause and carry out repairs.

2. Unclear or unresponsive water droplets. This may be due to the nozzle not being installed properly and becoming loose, but reinstalling it can solve the problem. In addition, it may also be due to a problem with the printer driver. In this case, the printer driver should be reinstalled to eliminate the hidden danger. If necessary, a new vibrating knife with a better model can also be replaced for use. These are common faults and their solutions, but sometimes further technical analysis and experience accumulation may be needed to determine the true cause of the problem..

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